FAVENIR, ELISA V. University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2002

Keywords: Day Care Services' Impact on Social Development

This study aimed to determine the contribution of the Day Care Centers
Services on child and community development in Nabua, Camarines Sur, CY 2001. It tried to answer the following specific questions: 1) What services are provided by the selected Day Care Centers? 2) To what extent have these services contributed to the child's mental, physical and social development? 3) Is there a significant difference as to the contribution rendered among the three areas of development? 4) What is the perceived contribution of the program to community development?

Describe-evaluative method was used to determine the contribution of the day care services to child and community development in Nabua, Camarines Sur for C/Y 2001. There were 200 respondents involved in this study: 73 implementors and 127 day care parents.

Major conclusions were: 1) Along mental development, services always provided were: language mastery, knowledge and skills development, sensory integration and 3rs mastery while hands-on experience was only frequently provided; along physical development, the services always provided were: good grooming, self-help and physical fitness and frequently provided were: health and nutrition, play and outdoor games, and fine motor skills development; along social development, always provided were: respect for individual differences and social interaction and frequently provided was school and community participation. 2) Along mental development, very extensive contribution was effective communication through listening, speaking, writing and reading promoted and least perceived was enhancement of science education; along physical development, very extensive contribution in the development of helpful attitudes and cooperation, and extensive on awareness of social bonding. 3) Along mental development some aspects were significantly different so with aspects of physical development and social development. 4) As for the contribution of Day Care Centers on parent-community partnership, this was perceived very extensive along the education of parents and caregivers and only extensive along government support; only extensive along the enhancement of mothers' productivity.

“Library Personnel Professional Competence: In HEI's, Naga City 2001-2002”

ESPIRITU, Marilou CariƱo,, Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres, Naga
City, March, 2001.

This study sought to determine Library Personnel Professional Competence: in HEI's, Naga City S/Y 2000-2001. Specific problems were: 1) What are the professional competence possessed by these library personnel along administrative, technical, and informational skills? 2) What are the library practices along the three areas of management: administrative, technical and informational aspects? 3) Is there a significant difference in professional competence of library personnel among the six private schools among the three areas?

This study, a descriptive evaluative research used six schools in Naga City six librarians and forty-four library staff. The questionnaire was the main instrument used in gathering data. Statistical treatments used were: weighted means and analysis of variance or ANOVA.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) Professional competence perceived by the librarians along administrative skills in Schools A, B and C was on providing the needed library data for accreditation, while in School D and F was on facilitating procurement of library materials and in School E on maintaining of library personnel. 2) The professional competence along technical skills, librarians in Schools A, C and D possessed skills on assigning subject heading and call numbers of library materials; while, School B, E and F, negotiating with publishers and book dealers; while along professional competence on informational skills, librarians in Schools A to F were found most very highly perceived in answering reference question to the students or outside researchers. 3). There were found significant different in professional competence in and among schools; while among areas of skills: administrative, technical and informational did not significantly differ from each other, which meant that each was given equal by the librarians.


DE GUZMAN, MARIANO B. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , March, 2004.


This study aimed to determine the contributions of institutional thrusts to student development of Naga City Science High school , Naga City , S/Y 2003-2004. The specific problems raised were: 1) what are the instructional and curricular thrusts of Naga City Science High School ? 2) To what extent has the institutional thrusts contributed to student development along: decision –making skills, critical thinking skills and research skills development? 3) Is there a significant difference in the perceived contributions of institutional thrusts among areas of student development and between groups of respondents?

The descriptive-evaluate method was used in interpreting the data gathered from the respondents. Described were the instructional thrusts on faculty upgrading and facilities and the curricular thrusts in science and Mathematics education. Evaluate were the extent institutional thrusts contributed to student development along: decision-making skills, critics thinking skills and research skills development.

Major findings of the study were: 1) the instructional thrusts of Naga City Science High School were along faculty and faculties upgrading and the curricular thrusts were along science and Mathematics education. 2) Decision-making skills, critical thinking skills and research skills of the students have overall weighted mean values of 3.80, 3.70, and 3.86, respectively. 3. The Fc value for the variance among areas of development was 19.343 higher than Ft value of 18.513 at 5% level of significance, but between respondents the Fc value was 0.977 lower the Ft value of 19.000 at 5% level of significance.

Major conclusions were: 1) Faculty and facilities upgrading and the enriched science and Mathematics curriculum of Naga City Science High School were instrumental in attaining quality education for the students. 2) The instructional and curricular thrusts of Naga City science High school have extensive contribution to the decision-making skills, critical thinking skills and research skills of the students; and 3) There was a significant difference on the extent of contribution among areas at 0.05 level of significance, but no significant difference between respondents at 0.05 level on the extent of contribution to student development.


DADUA, Charles Q. University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City .

Keywords: Impact on Revenue Generation, Employment, and Land Valuation.

This study attempted to determine the economic impact of Central Business District 11 (CBD11) on the development of Naga city, C/Y 2001. specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions: 1) What are the CBD 11 services provided to its clientele?; 2) What is the perceived impact of these services?; 3) What is the contribution of CBD 11 services on revenue generation, employment and land valuation?

The descriptive- evaluative method was used in this study with the questionnaire and interview guide as the main tools in gathering the data. Documents pertaining to CBD 11 available were also considered. To answer the first and second questions, an interview guide was designed and 70 service takers randomly chosen were used as respondents of which 40 were service takers from jeep terminal complex and thirty from bus terminal complex. All were interviewed to determine the impact of CBD 11 services. And to answer the third question, 41 out of 82 service providers were randomly chosen as respondents to answer the questionnaire designed to determine the contribution of CBD 11 services along revenue generation, employment and land valuation.

Major findings were:1) Among the services provided to its clientele, terminal service had the highest daily number of service takers served; trading service had the next higher daily number of service takers served; and food service had the lowest daily number of service takers served. 2) Perceived impact of the services, terminal service had a weighted mean of 3.39 on service takers benefits and 3.63 on service quality; trading service had a weighted mean of 3.23 on service takers benefits and 3.64 on service quality; and food service had a weighted mean of 3.35 on service takers benefits and 3.30 on service quality. 3) Perceived contribution of these services, terminal service had a weighted mean of 4.50 on land valuation, 3.80 on revenue generation, and 3.30 on employment; food service had a weighted mean of 3.80 on land valuation, 3.64 on revenue generation, and 3.16 on employment; and trading service had a weighted mean of 3.48 on land valuation, 3.3 on revenue generation, and 3.11 on employment.

Major conclusions were: 1) Among the services provided to each clientele, terminal service ranked first with the highest daily service takers served; trading service ranked second with the next higher daily service takers served; and food service ranked third with the lowest daily service takers served. 2) Perceived impact of the services, terminal service ranked first with a highly perceived impact on service quality and moderately perceived impact on service takers benefits; trading service ranked second with a highly perceived impact on service quality and moderately perceived impact o service trakers benefits; and food service ranked third with a moderately perceived impact both on service quality and service takers benefits. 3) Perceived contribution of these services, terminal service ranked first with the very highly perceived impact on land valuation, highly perceived impact on revenue generation and moderately perceived impact on employment; food service ranked second with highly perceived impact both o land valuation and revenue generation, moderately perceived impact on employment; and trading service ranked third with a highly perceived impact on land valuation and moderately perceived impact both on revenue generation and employment.


CORDIAL-ALDECOA, Anilou A. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 1998.

Keywords: Effectiveness/Usefulness of Management Information System Reports

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of the management information system of Metro Drug Distribution, Inc., C/Y 1997 as perceived by its branch managers. Specifically, it answered the following questions: 1) What is the FourGen System as used by Metro Drug Distribution, Inc.? 2) What is the perception of the branch managers regarding the effectiveness of the management information system along accuracy, relevance, sufficiency and timeless? 3) Are there significant differences in the perception of the branch managers, and what factors are associated with these differences?

The descriptive-evaluative method was used in this study where 18 branch managers in their key responsibility areas, except for information on cost savings and control of operating expenses, were provided by the system in its five report modules; 2) The reports most appealing to branch were those that provided figures on their key resuly which is the means by which their performances are evaluated; 3) The perception of branch managers on the usefulness of FourGen reports showed significant differences, except for civil status and length of service wherein perceptions on reports with significant differences accounted for a very negligible percentage; 4) The personal factors such as company (previous employer), gender, age, educational attainment and years of experience influenced the perception of the branch managers on the usefulness of FourGen reports; civil status and length of service, on the other hand, did not have a bearing on the respondents' level of perceptions.


CHAVEZ, Ricardo. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2001.

Keywords: Management, Procurement System

This study aimed to determine the management of the procurement system in the DPWH, Camarines Sur 1 st and 2 nd Engineering Districts, C?Y 2000. It answer the following specific questions: 1) What is the procurement system in DPWH 1 st engineering district?; 2)What is the level of the procurement system along acquisition, storage/ warehousing and inventory?; 3) What perceived professional and organization factors affect the level of efficiency of the procurement system?

Descriptive- evaluation method was used to determine the extent of management of the procurement system at DPWH, c/y 2000. The 48 respondents involved in this study were the officials and employees who were directly involved in this study were the officials and employees who were directly involved with procurement in the two engineering districts.

Major conclusions were: 1) The procurement system practiced by DPWH was the one mandated; 2) Procurement functions such as inspection, acceptance and actual procurement were very efficiently managed; while planning, compliance with APP and pricing were only efficiently managed; Recording and issuing were the one's very efficiently managed warehousing functions; while provision of storage space, arrangement pf stored items and enforcement of warehousing guidelines were rated efficiently managed only; on inventory, only reconciliation of accounting and property records of semi-expendable property, physical inventory taking and reporting were rated very efficiently managed; 3) Personal factors strongly influenced on the level of efficiency of the procurement system; organizational factors highly influenced the management of procurement system.


CHAVEZ, Ricardo. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2001.

Keywords: Management, Procurement System

This study aimed to determine the management of the procurement system in the DPWH, Camarines Sur 1 st and 2 nd Engineering Districts, C?Y 2000. It answer the following specific questions: 1) What is the procurement system in DPWH 1 st engineering district?; 2)What is the level of the procurement system along acquisition, storage/ warehousing and inventory?; 3) What perceived professional and organization factors affect the level of efficiency of the procurement system?

Descriptive- evaluation method was used to determine the extent of management of the procurement system at DPWH, c/y 2000. The 48 respondents involved in this study were the officials and employees who were directly involved in this study were the officials and employees who were directly involved with procurement in the two engineering districts.

Major conclusions were: 1) The procurement system practiced by DPWH was the one mandated; 2) Procurement functions such as inspection, acceptance and actual procurement were very efficiently managed; while planning, compliance with APP and pricing were only efficiently managed; Recording and issuing were the one's very efficiently managed warehousing functions; while provision of storage space, arrangement pf stored items and enforcement of warehousing guidelines were rated efficiently managed only; on inventory, only reconciliation of accounting and property records of semi-expendable property, physical inventory taking and reporting were rated very efficiently managed; 3) Personal factors strongly influenced on the level of efficiency of the procurement system; organizational factors highly influenced the management of procurement system.


CHAVEZ, MARICRIS A. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2002.

KEYWORDS: Factors Affecting Managerial Effectiveness

This research was designed to determine the perceived level of effectiveness of school heads in Tinambac District, for S/Y 2001 – 2002. Specific problems were 1) What is the level of implementation of managerial functions along planning, organizing, leading and controlling? 2) What is the perceived level of managerial effectiveness along planning, organizing, leading and controlling ? 3) Is there a significant difference in managerial effectiveness as perceived by school heads and teachers? 4) Are professional factors associated with managerial effectiveness?

The descriptive-evaluative method was used in interpreting the data gathered from the respondents. Described were the level of implementation and effectiveness. Evaluated were the significant differences on the perceived level of effectiveness between school heads and teachers, as well as among aspects. Factors were also investigated on to determine their effects on managerial effectiveness.

Major conclusion of the study were: 1) School heads were received to have focused their implementation along planning planning aspects, but that controlling was their topmost concern; however, both groups agreed that organizing was the least concern of school heads. 2) School heads perceived themselves as highly effective in all managerial functions while teachers perceived school heads highly effective only in planning and moderately effective for the rest, and least effective in leading. 3) There ws a significant difference on how school heads and teachers perceived managerial effectiveness in the performance of functions, 4) The length of service as school head and their educational attainment contributed to the level of effectiveness in performing managerial functions.


CASTARDO , ZENAIDA D. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres, City of Naga.

Keywords: Effects of Curricular Activities and Student Development

This study attempted to determine the impact of the co-curricular activities on student development in three Seventh-day Adventist tertiary schools in Luzon for School Year 1999- 2000. Specifically, the Study sought answers to the following questions: 1) What are the co-curricular activities of the Seventh-day Adventist tertiary schools? 2) To what extent do these co-curricular activities contribute to the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development of the students? 3) What management, teacher and student-related factors are perceived to influence impact of co-curricular activities on student development? 4) Are there significant differences in the impact of co-curricular activities among aspects of student development and among institutions?

The descriptive – correlational method was used to present the various co-curricular activities categorized as religious, academic, and socio-cultural-related. Described and evaluated were the extent of contribution of co-curricular activities and the factors influencing the impact of co-curricular activities on the various aspects of student development correlation was used to determine whether there were significant differences in the extent of contribution of co-curricular activities among aspects of development and among institutions. Also determined was the correlation of management, teacher, and student related factors with aspects of students development.

Major findings of this study were: 1) socio-culture-related activities were the most participated in with an average of 72.52%; religious – related activities second, with an average of 69.11% and academic – related activities, the least with an average of 47.44%. 2) All the co-curricular activities contributed very much to the students' spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development. 3) Management functions: Planning, leading, controlling and evaluating and organizing had satisfactorily influenced the impact of co-curricular activities; delegation of responsibilities and advisers preparedness for the responsibilities were the top most or rated very satisfactory; and leadership training and recognition of students talents were next in influence while heavy students loads were the weakest.

Major conclusions were: 1) Student participation in co-curricular activities was predominantly motivated by their desire to socialize and share with others; 2) The development of a strong foundation in the lives of the student was first; while intellectual development was the least; 3) Well-managed co-curricular activities resulted to highly significant student development, where a strong relationship existed between the various management factors and perceived impact; democratic procedures of teacher-advisers greatly influenced the impact of the students needs and levels of motivation brought about significant growth along the intellectual, social and emotional aspects; while as to development which proved insignificant were those for physical and spiritual development, than extrinsically; 4) The three tertiary schools differed in the management of co-curricular activities as well as in the implementation; and sound emotional and spiritual development were found closely linked; so with physical and intellectual aspects of development closely linked with each other, while physical and intellectual are also related.