DE GUZMAN, MARIANO B. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , March, 2004.
This study aimed to determine the contributions of institutional thrusts to student development of Naga City Science High school , Naga City , S/Y 2003-2004. The specific problems raised were: 1) what are the instructional and curricular thrusts of Naga City Science High School ? 2) To what extent has the institutional thrusts contributed to student development along: decision –making skills, critical thinking skills and research skills development? 3) Is there a significant difference in the perceived contributions of institutional thrusts among areas of student development and between groups of respondents?
The descriptive-evaluate method was used in interpreting the data gathered from the respondents. Described were the instructional thrusts on faculty upgrading and facilities and the curricular thrusts in science and Mathematics education. Evaluate were the extent institutional thrusts contributed to student development along: decision-making skills, critics thinking skills and research skills development.
Major findings of the study were: 1) the instructional thrusts of Naga City Science High School were along faculty and faculties upgrading and the curricular thrusts were along science and Mathematics education. 2) Decision-making skills, critical thinking skills and research skills of the students have overall weighted mean values of 3.80, 3.70, and 3.86, respectively. 3. The Fc value for the variance among areas of development was 19.343 higher than Ft value of 18.513 at 5% level of significance, but between respondents the Fc value was 0.977 lower the Ft value of 19.000 at 5% level of significance.
Major conclusions were: 1) Faculty and facilities upgrading and the enriched science and Mathematics curriculum of Naga City Science High School were instrumental in attaining quality education for the students. 2) The instructional and curricular thrusts of Naga City science High school have extensive contribution to the decision-making skills, critical thinking skills and research skills of the students; and 3) There was a significant difference on the extent of contribution among areas at 0.05 level of significance, but no significant difference between respondents at 0.05 level on the extent of contribution to student development.