“Library Personnel Professional Competence: In HEI's, Naga City 2001-2002”

ESPIRITU, Marilou Cariño,, Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres, Naga
City, March, 2001.

This study sought to determine Library Personnel Professional Competence: in HEI's, Naga City S/Y 2000-2001. Specific problems were: 1) What are the professional competence possessed by these library personnel along administrative, technical, and informational skills? 2) What are the library practices along the three areas of management: administrative, technical and informational aspects? 3) Is there a significant difference in professional competence of library personnel among the six private schools among the three areas?

This study, a descriptive evaluative research used six schools in Naga City six librarians and forty-four library staff. The questionnaire was the main instrument used in gathering data. Statistical treatments used were: weighted means and analysis of variance or ANOVA.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) Professional competence perceived by the librarians along administrative skills in Schools A, B and C was on providing the needed library data for accreditation, while in School D and F was on facilitating procurement of library materials and in School E on maintaining of library personnel. 2) The professional competence along technical skills, librarians in Schools A, C and D possessed skills on assigning subject heading and call numbers of library materials; while, School B, E and F, negotiating with publishers and book dealers; while along professional competence on informational skills, librarians in Schools A to F were found most very highly perceived in answering reference question to the students or outside researchers. 3). There were found significant different in professional competence in and among schools; while among areas of skills: administrative, technical and informational did not significantly differ from each other, which meant that each was given equal by the librarians.