Wong, Luis L. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2001.

Keywords: Performance along operation and Maintenance of Naga converter Station

This study evaluated the performance of Naga converter station for the year 1999. Specially, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What are the work practices of Naga Converter Station personnel along operation and maintenance? 2) What is the level of efficiency of Naga Converter Station along operation and maintenance? 3) What factors affect the performance of Naga Converter Station? 4) What strategies were adopted to enhance the performance of Naga Converter Station?

This study was conducted in Naga Converter Station at Del rosary, Naga City and deals with its present organizational structure. Hence, this study focused on the performance of the operation. The respondents of this study consisted of all the operation and maintenance personnel of Naga Converter Station with a total number of 28 employees further subdivided into four categories: The executive (1 personnel), Operation (18 personnel) , Maintenance (7 personnel) and Administrative (2 personnel). The total or universal number of executives, operations and maintenance personnel were all used as respondents. The method used was the descriptive survey method and the tool-gathering data used by the researcher was the questionnaire supplemented by the unstructured interview. Results were statistically treated employing the percentage technique and the weighted mean.

Among the major findings of the study were the following: 1) The organizational structure of Naga Converter Station is well defined in terms of its organization and the duties and responsibilities of each personnel output and the technical capability including personal profile and work practices are the factors that define personnel profile is shaped by educational attainment, work experiences, seminars and related training, and work practices defined by work ethics, sense of responsibility and the will to give their best. 3) The maintenance group experiences difficulty as the attainment of maximum system reliability which has always been the primary concern of the electric utility industry bringing about work pressure, endless criticism for breakdowns, lack of manpower, low organizational status, and lack of spare parts among other factors that affect performance and maintenance. 4) To ensure the operational capability and reliability of an equipment or system, the degree of practice of all operation and maintenance personnel is considered a great factor.


VILLAROSA, ROSALIEUnpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2001.

Keywords: Human Resource Development and Productivity

This study attempted to find out the relationship between human resource development and manpower productivity in Partido State College, Goa , Camarines Sur, C/Y 2000. Specific problems were: 1) What is the level of HRD implementation along recruitment and selection, training and development, promotion and compensation, and incentives and rewards? 2) To what extent has HRD enhanced manpower productivity in terms of work performance and community involvement? 3) Is there any significant relationship between HRD and Manpower productivity?

The descriptive-correlation method was used interpreting the data gathered from the respondents. Evaluated were the level of HRD implementation along recruitment and selection, training and development, promotion and compensation and incentives and reward. Likewise evaluated was the extent HRD has enhanced the manpower productivity in terms of work performance and community involvement..

Major conclusions of the study were: 1a) Due to some deviations from the standards, HRD implementation along recruitment and selection was only rated high. 1b) Along training and development, HRD was also rated high because training needs assessment and the monitoring of the theory application was moderately conducted. 1c) The HRD implementation along promotion and compensation was only rated high due to some deviations from the promotional standard. 1d) Due to some deviations from the guidelines in granting allowances to personnel and due to lack of funds, HRD was only highly implemented along incentives and rewards. 2a) HRD had extensively enhanced the manpower productivity in terms of work performance, elimination of work backlogs were not fully achieved. 2b) Due to lack of funds and due to time constraints, the manpower productivity in terms of community involvement was also extensively enhanced only. 3a) Human Resource Development Program was very highly correlated with manpower productivity along work performance. 3b) There was a very significant relationship between the HRD and manpower productivity in terms of community involvement.


VALENZUELA, Merly N. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , 2002.

Keywords: Factors Related to Physical Fitness

The study was conducted primarily to determine the relationship of food quality with the students' physical fitness at the Naga View Adventist College , A/Y 2001-2002. Answers to the following questions were sought: 1) What is the quality food composition and food service provided to the students? 2) What is the level of students' physical fitness in their co-curricular activities? 3) Is food quality significally related to the students' physical fitness? 4) What institutional factors are perceived to influence food quality and students' physical fitness?

Fifty 75% students-boarders who were at the Naga View College for more than a year comprised the sample respondents. A Three – month menu guide prepared and submitted by the Cafeteria Matron for the approval of the Administration served as the guide in the determination of food composition. A questionnaire was used to determine food service, level of participation in physical fitness activities, and perceived institutional factors influencing food quality and students' physical fitness.

Findings on food composition showed that among the three major groups of nutrients, carbohydrates comprised the main bulk of the meal during breakfast, lunch and supper and the highest was served during lunchtime. Fat intake was found relatively lower and compared with the recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Filipinos aged 15 to 21 years old, results showed that there were excesses in the intake of carbohydrates and proteins and a deficit of fat rich foods. Along food service, quality and food preparation were given high ratings while food combination was only given a fair rating.

Conclusions: Based on statistical analysis, results showed a significant correlation between food quality and the level of participation of students in physical education, academic and spiritual related activities. Students' participation was high on energy expending activities for psychomotor development and low on activities where special talents and skills are needed. On factors perceived influencing quality and students' physical fitness, the students recognized the importance of the integration of crop production in the curricular programs of the college as well as the financial assistance given to students.


TOGÑO, EMILIA C. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2001.

Keywords: Outdoor Mathematics and Students Achievement Level

This study was designed to determine the effects of Outdoor Mathematics as a strategy in teaching Trigonometry to college students of the University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , S/Y 2000-2001. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What is the achievement level in trigonometry of the control and experimental groups based on the pre-test results? 2) what is the achievement level in trigonometry of both groups based on the post-test results? 3) Is there a significant difference between the achievement level of the control and experimental groups based on the post-test results?

This study used the quasi-experimental method involving two groups of students, the control and experimental groups as samples. A teacher-made test was used to pre-test and post-test to determine the Mathematics achievement of the students along comprehension, computation, analysis skills. The topics covered in Trigonometry were trigonometric functions, solution of right triangles, direction and bearing.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) Among the three skills measured, lowest scores were in analysis skill, which indicated difficulties were encountered in analyzing worded problems. 2) Achievement level of both groups based on the post-test results improved where the experimental compared with the control group was much better along analysis skill. 3) The pre-test results of both groups had a computed t-value of 0.625 which was less than the tabular t-values of 1.684 at 5% and 2.423 at 1% levels showing no significant difference between the pre-test results of both groups; however, post-test results which had a computed t-value which had a computed t-value of 4.625 was greater than the tabular t-values showing a significant difference between the post-test results of both groups; and the mean gain with a computed t-value of 6.99 greater than the tabular t-values showing further that the experimental group performed better than the control group.


TENA, ELMER V. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2001.

Keyword: Impact on Socio-Economic Development

This study focused on the 10 cooperatives in Sipocot, Camarines Sur that were granted government financial assistance from 1993 to1998. Specific problems raised were: 1) What is the profile of government-assisted Cooperatives in Sipocot, Camarines Sur? 2) To what extent have these cooperatives promoted equity, social justice and economic development? 3) Are there significant differences in impact to development among types of cooperatives and among areas of development?

This study used the descriptive-evaluative method of research. Described were the profile of the ten cooperatives located in Sipocot, Camarines Sur. Evaluated were the extent the cooperatives had promoted equity, social justice and economic development among the members. Likewise, evaluated was the difference in impact to development among types of cooperatives and among areas of development.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) Multi-purpose non-agricultural cooperatives, composed of seven cooperatives had the highest financial assistance from the government and the biggest membership; 2) Relending was the most profitable and viable business for these cooperatives; 3) Equity was much promoted by these two cooperatives; 4) Social justice was very much promoted by the Multi-Purpose Agricultural Cooperatives and Multi-Purpose Non-Agricultural; 5)Economic development was much promoted by these cooperatives; 6) Significant differences existed in impact among cooperatives at .05 level of significance; while no significant differences among cooperatives at .01 level of significance and among parameters along social equity; 7) Significant differences did not exist in impact between cooperatives and among parameters along social justice; 8) Significant differences existed in impact among cooperatives at .05 level of significance; while there was no significant difference at .01 among cooperatives and among parameters along economic development at .05 and .01 level of significance.


Sibulo, Julie Ann O. Unpublished Masteral Theses, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2003

Keywords: Level of Implementation of Internal Control System

This study aimed to find out the level of internal control system implementation between DPWH, Camarines Sur 1 st and 2 nd engineering districts, C/Y 2002. Specific problems were: 1) what is the internal control adopted by the agency along financial and administrative operations? 2) What is the level of internal control implementation along policy compliance, resource utilization, recording and reporting? 3) Is there a significant difference in the level of implementation between the two districts and among areas?

Descriptive-evaluative method was used in this study to determine the level of implementation of internal control between the two districts.

Findings were: 1) The DPWH 1 st and 2 nd Engineering Districts adopted the financial internal control system based on the COA standard on the approval of transactions, complete documentation, proper accounting treatment, recording and reporting, availability of funds, assignment of related functions, using mechanical devices and adherence to other financial policies; the internal control system adopted by the two districts along administrative where those set forth by COA standard along personnel supervision, maintenance of physical assets and maintenance of records and reports. 2) along policy compliance, the policy concerning personnel and the policy concerning procurement obtained the highest and lowest rating, respectively; along resource utilization, quality project implementation and proper assignment of personnel and limiting overtime are the policies which obtained the highest and lowest rating, respectively; along records and reports, custodianship and submission are the policies which obtained the highest and lowest rating, respectively.

Major conclusion were: 1) The two engineering districts adopted the standard on financial internal control system but there was no full compliance of some financial policies; adopted internal control system for administrative pertaining to personnel supervision, maintenance of physical assets/ records and reports but full compliance of some administrative policies was not achieved. 2) There was an extensive lev3el of implementation of internal control system along policy compliance, resource utilization and recording and reporting. 3) There was no significant difference in the level of implementation of the internal control system between the 1 st and 2 nd engineering districts as a whole, but they differed on the level of implementation of specific parameters considered.


SEÑAR, Gerumi S. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2003.

Keyword: Correlation of Instructional Supervision with Teacher/ Student Development

This study attempted to determine the impact of instructional supervision on teachers' performance and students' achievement in the secondary schools of Garchitorena, Camarines Sur, S/Y 2002-2003. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1) what are the perceived supervisory practices of secondary school heads along organization, classroom visitation, research, professional training and guidance and evaluation? 2) What is the level of teacher performance along instructional competence, professional and personal characteristics, punctually and attendance and plus based on the Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST? 3) what is the level of student achievement based on the division Achievement Test in English, Mathematics and science? 4) Are supervisory practices significantly correlated with the levels of teacher performance? 5) Is teacher performance significantly correlated with student achievement?

The descriptive- correlational method was used in this study covered five secondary school heads in Garchitorena district, thirty teachers and eighty fourth year students for S/Y 2002-2003. A questionnaire was designed as the main tool in gathering needed data and the results of teacher performance and Division Achievement Test were used. Pearson –r was used to determine the collection of instructional supervision on teacher performance and of teacher performance on student achievement.

Findings were: 1) School heads were outstanding on the five areas of supervisory practices; 2) Majority of the teachers had very satisfactory performance, but most of them had no plus factors. 3) The achievement level of students in English, Mathematics, and Science in all the five secondary schools was fair. 4) The test for instructional supervision with teaching performance yielded an r-value of 0.211 within the range of scale from 0.20 to 0.29 and their r2- value was 0.0445. 5) Correlation test between teacher performance and student achievement resulted to an r-value of – 0.0.035, while the r2- value was 0.0012.

Major conclusion of the study was: 1) School heads were perceived by their teachers to perform very well in the five aspects of the supervisory practices. 2) The teachers had an overall very satisfactory performance rating and performed beyond the target; however, majority did not have professional and technical skills other than their classroom or instructional skills. 3) The level of achievement of the high school seniors in English, Mathematics and science was fair. 4) There was a very low correlation between instructional supervision and teacher [performance. 5) there was a negative negligible correlation between teacher performance and student achievement.


SABIO, MILA C. University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2001.

Keywords: customer Satisfaction and Automated Teller Machines

This study aimed to determine the customer satisfaction on BPI Unibank Bicol Cluster branches automated teller machines for C/Y 1999. specifically, This study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What are the ATM features/ services of BPI to its clients? 2) What is the level of satisfaction of ATM clients along: deposit, withdrawal, transfer of funds and alternative payment system? 3) Is there a significant difference as to the level of satisfaction among ATM users of BPI Bicol Cluster? 4) What are the perceived organization and environmental factors associated with the level of satisfaction?

The descriptive- evaluative method was used particularly I n describing the ATM features and services. The questionnaire was the primary tool utilized to determine and evaluate the level of satisfaction on ATM and The significant difference as to the level of satisfaction among ATM users as well as to find out the organizational and environmental factors associated with the level of satisfaction.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) The BET/ATM has a wide-array of services offered to its clientele in its effort to provide customers' convenience and satisfaction; 2) The ATM machine have satisfactorily met the needs and expectations of the customers specifically along deposit, withdrawal, transfer of funds and alternative payment system as indicated by a high satisfaction rating; 3) There was no significant difference as to the level of satisfaction among ATM users of BPI Bicol Cluster branches along the four cited areas; however there was a significant difference in the level of satisfaction among ATM branches for both 1% and 5% significance levels, 4) The perceived organizational factors along manpower, facilities and financing were highly associated to the level of satisfaction of ATM clientele, likewise, there was a close association of the environmental factors along savings awareness /consciousness, competition and accessibility of ATM services to clientele.


Rosin- Zaens, Reina Peñafrancia G. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres, City of Naga, 1996.

Keywords: Perceived Leadership Behavior

This study aimed to find out the perceived leadership behavior of the managers of Naga City- based top ten commercial establishments. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions: 1) To what extent do these managers demonstrate leadership along supportiveness, interaction facilitation, goal emphasis and work facilitation as perceived by the managers and work force? 2) On what aspect do they manifest leadership strengths? Weaknesses? 3) Is there a significant difference between the managers' perception and the work force?

The descriptive-comparative survey was used in order to determine the leadership behavior of Naga city-based top ten commercial establishments as perceived by the managers themselves and the work force.

Major conclusions wer3e: 1) The managers perceived themselves to exhibit very satisfactory leadership behavior, whereas, the work force perceived the mangers' behavioral traits as satisfactory along supportiveness, interaction facilitation, goal emphasis, and work facilitation; 2) all the perceived leadership behaviors were considered strengths by both the managers and the work force. The managers perceived themselves to have very strong leadership behavior, while the work force perceived the managers to have strong leadership behavior in all the leadership dimensions; and 3) There was a significant difference on the perception of the managers and the work force about the leadership behavior of the former on some traits but is some behavior, no significant difference was noted. The significant difference on the perception was more noted along supportiveness and interaction facilitation; whereas, the perception of the two group was not significantly difference along goal emphasis and work facilitation.


Rivero, Crisostomo S. University of Nueva Caceres, City of Naga, 2000

Keywords: Human and Environmental Factors Associated with Bird Population

This study sought to identify the different species of birds in the Nipa Delta at Ponong, Magarao, Camarines Sur and the different factors associated with the composition and population density of these species from December 1999 to May 2000. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What are the different bird species and population density in Nipa Delta? 2) What are the human and environmental factors associated with bird species and population density? 3) To what extent has the human and environmental factors affected bird population and species composition?

The research method used in the study was the descriptive evaluative. As far as observation of birds in the area, this was done in four different occasions birds were identified and classified according to family as well as residency status. Similarly, the human and environmental factors believed to influence the composition and population density of these bird species were also noted during these occasions and time frame through the aid of unstructured questionnaires. Respondents included 15 residents living near the Nipa Delta and adjacent areas to the study site.

The findings were: 1) Resident birds had a population density of 12.92 with 26 species and 905 individuals; endemic birds had a population density of 0.77 with 15 species and 54 individuals. 2) Human factors associated with population status were: hunting, gathering of minor forest products, fishing and farming system; environmental factors associated were climatic conditions and tidal fluctuations. 3) Along human activities, hunting was the least damaging; along environmental factors, both climactic condition and tidal fluctuations were perceived as not necessarily damaging to bird population and species composition but affected feeding and nesting cycle behavior.

Major conclusions were: 1) that the resident bird were the most numerous and also the most populous in terms of species composition and population; the endemic bird placed second in terms of species composition, but had the least population; the migratory birds were the least in terms of species composition but second in rank in terms of population. 2) Along human activities, hunting was perceived to have the most negative impact; while collection of forest products had the least perceived impact; along environmental factors, climatic conditions had the most perceived impact on feeding and nesting behavior which is directly related to the species composition and population density in the Nipa Delta and surrounding wetland; while tidal fluctuations had the least perceived impact. 3) Only a few species were preferred for consumption and sports; that dry season reduced food base for birds in the nearby farms; and tidal fluctuations provided good feeding grounds for birds.


REYES, Mayla P Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City 1995.

Keywords: Katarungang Pambarangay, operation, and administration

This study aimed to determine the contributive and obstructive factors in the operation and administration of the Katarungang Pambarangay for 1995 as perceived by lupon members, complaints, respondents, kagawad, secretaries and residents. The specific problems were: 1) What factors are perceived to be contributive and obstructive to settlement? 2) Is there any difference among the perceived factors of the respondents? 3) What factors are associated with the differences in perception? 4) What administrative and operational problems are encountered during settlement?

This study used the descriptive normative method to describe the degrees of perceptions of the respondents on the contributive as well as the obstructive factors on settlement of disputes through the Katarungang Pambarangay law and the differences of perception aamong the respondents on the operational and administrative problems or constraints encountered in the implementation of the Katarungang Pambarangay.
Major conclusions of the study were: Regardless of the services rendered and the language used during conciliation, amicable settlement of disputes is always possible where the places of hearing is accessible to the parties, the schedule is convenient, the punong barangay/ pangkat are accorded with respect, and immediate action on the disputes is made. Mistrust, failure to study issues, delay in setting cases for hearing and failure to make speedy settlement of cases are generally considered as obstructive factors, but the respondents considered those factors are seldom obstructive. Thus, the presence of those factors would not deter the amicable settlement of disputes. The respondents showed varying degrees of perception on the contributive and obstructive factors in the settlement of disputes. Sex and civil status are factors that affected the respondents perception. Tardiness of the parties and non-appearance of the respondents are the more common administrative / operational problems encountered by the respondents during the settlement of disputes.


RAÑOLA, Rabanne Claire J. Unpublished Masteral Theses, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City 2001.

Keywords: Perceived Factors Affecting Management

The study was conducted to determine the perceived extent of contribution of Consumers Relations Program to effective management of electric cooperatives in the Bicol Region, CY 2000. Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: 1) what is the level of implementation of CRP services along promotion, in- service training delivery and collection? 2) What is the perceived extent of contribution of CRP to management functions namely; communicating, controlling and evaluating? 3) What are the perceived socio-economic, political and ethical factors affecting the extent of contributions? 4) Is there a significant difference in the extent of contribution of CRP among medium, large and extra large cooperatives and among managerial functions?

To determine the level of the implementations of CRP as key to effective management of electric cooperatives, the descriptive-evaluative method of research was used. The descriptive-evaluative method was also used to evaluate the perceived factors affecting the extent of contribution of CRP to small, medium, large and extra large electric cooperatives.

Findings of this study were: 1) The level of implementation along the erea of promotion was rated 2.99 and 2.13 by employees and by member-consumers respectively with a total mean of 2.56, fair; along in- service training, this was rated 2.92 and 2.05 by employees and by member consumers respectively with a grand mean of 2.49; along delivery, this was rated 2.90 and 2.09 by the employees and by the member-consumers respectively with a total mean of 2.a49; along the area of collection, the employees and member-consumers rated satisfactory and fair respectively. 2) Contribution f CRP along communication was rated 2.74, with employees rating of 3.06 in the controlling and evaluating functions respectively, 3) The socio-economic factors perceived by the employees to have affected the extent of contribution of CRP showed a moderately extensive rating for 3.11; with political factors perceived to have also affected the extent of contribution as moderately extensive with a total mean of 3.21 indicating also a moderately extensive effect, results likewise showed ethical factors with a mean rating of 3.35 or moderately extensive effect. 4) The difference in the men values among groups were not a great as to exclude the possibility that the difference is due to random sampling variability and that there was no significant difference among groups or areas.

Conclusions drawn were: 1) Level of implementation along promotion and along in-service training were perceived satisfactory and fair by the employees and by the member consumers respectively; but along the area of delivery, employees rated it satisfactory and a rating of fair by the member-consumers; along collection, employees gave a satisfactory rating while the member-consumers gave an average or fair rating. 2) The employees perceived as satisfactory the extent of contribution of CRP along communicating function, along controlling function, and along evaluating function. 3) Socio-economic factors such as cost of ads; timely budget release; economic conditions; cost of training; internalization of training skills; and awareness of the Rural Electrification Program affected the contributions of CRP. Results also showed that political factors affected the extend of contribution of CRP such as support of local/national officials; local/ national administrative support; political intervention coop; selection of people to train and to b trained; and promotion of the right people to the right position; and ethical factors include: right attitude and proper transaction method in dealing with customers; employee attitude towards clients; communication and teamwork in the workplace; trustworthiness, fairness and honesty of employees; willingness to employees to serve; friendliness and courteousness of coop employees; and professionalism of coop personnel affected the extent of contribution of CRP. 4) There was no significant difference in the extent of contribution of CRP among management functions and among types of cooperatives and that all these functions did not vary significantly regardless of the size of the coop, the responses did not vary significantly.


Presbitero, Nelia L. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, Unversity of Nueva Caceres, Naga City , 2002.

Keywords: Peer tutoring and Mathematics Achievement

This study was designed to determine the effects of peer tutoring on the achievement of second year high school students in mathematics, Sta. Lutgarda High School , Cabusao, Camarines Sur, S/Y 2001-2002. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1) what is the achievement level of the experimental and control groups based on the pre-test results? 2) What is the level of achievement of both groups based on the post-test results? 3) Is there a significant difference between the achievement level of the experimental and control groups based on the pre-test and post-test results? This study used the quasi-experimental method using a total of 60 students as respondents. A teacher – made test was used as pre-test and post-test to determine the mathematical achievement of the students along comprehension, computation and analysis skills. The topics covered in Mathematics were classification of triangles, parts of triangle, congruent triangles, constructing triangles and minimum conditions for triangle congruence.

Major conclusions were: 1) the achievement level of both the experimental and control groups in the pre-test was low. 2) The achievement level of both groups based on the post-test results improved where the experimental compared with the control group performed better along the three skills. 3) Based on the pre-test results, there as no significant difference between the experimental and control groups as shown in the computed t-value which was less than the tabular value; however, post-test results with the computed t-value was greater than the tabular value showed a significant difference between the two groups and the mean gain with the computed t-value greater than the tabular value which gain showed that the experimental group performed better than the control group.


PRAGATA, MARY ANN E. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 1998.

Keywords: Policy Implementation for forest Conservation

This study described the implementation of conservation policies of DENR along forest protection and forest utilization by the three CENRO's Naga, Iriga and Sipocot for C/Y 1997. To realize this end, the following were considered: existing forest conservation policies of DENR along forest protection and utilization, strategies adopted to implement these policies per area and significant difference in the strategies in the strategies adopted.

The study used the descriptive-comparative method of research and employed descriptive statistics weighted mean, rank and ANOVA. Respondents were 60 forest officers from the three CENROs Naga, Iriga and Sipocot. Documents such as the compilation of the policy issuances, annual accomplishment report, report of confiscations, list of cases filed, list of permitees and licenses and inventory of lumber dealers were also considered.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) There are adequate forest conservation policies aimed to protect and conserve the forests. Forests conservation policies along forest protection and utilization were carried out but there are factors that hindered the successful implementation such that along forest protection, CENRO Iriga and Sipocot fared very well while CENRO Naga only fared well the most adopted strategy was filing criminal cases against forest law violators and establishments of chokepoints; whereas along forest utilization, CENRO Iriga and Sipocot always adopted strategies; while CENRO Naga only frequently and the topmost adopted were the issuance of permits/licenses and agreements granted. There were no significant differences in the strategies adopted along forest protection since these are the same rules and regulations carried out by the three CENROs; however, there were significant differences in the strategies adopted along forest utilization which meant that each CENRO have different sets of problems unique in their respective areas.


PEÑAS, Sherry T. Unpublished Masteral Theses, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2000.

Keywords: Domestic Violence

This study attempted to determine the perceived effects of domestic violence on Filipino family values among teaching and non-teaching personnel of University of Nueva Caceres , Naga city, C/Y 2000. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1). what are the perceived forms of domestic violence? What personal and environmental factors contribute to domestic violence? 3). To what extent has domestic violence affected Filipino family values along: family security, society and authority approval, socio-economic welfare, and submissiveness to partner?

Involved in the investigation were 250 employees of the University of Nueva Caceres who comprised the 80% of the total number of the University personnel. The descriptive-comparative method was the main method employed with a questionnaire as the tool-gathering instrument used in conducting this study.

Major conclusions were: 1). Indirect emotional violence using children, and verbal abuse were worst forms of domestic violence directed to the survivor and sexual abuse were only worse. 2). As perceived by the 23 victims In this study, the couple's house was the predominant environmental factor; while the least predominant was in a car; and as perceived by victims, temper was the predominant factor; while for the non-victims was influence of alcohol and drugs; and, the least dominant for both victims and non-victims was newly awakened from sleep factor. 3). Relative to family security, both victims and non-victims indicated that close family ties had the weakest effect on domestic violence; while emotional dependence to partner was the strongest for non-victims; in terms of society and authority approval, victims perceived respect for family traditions/ authority and fear of public reprisal was strong; along socio-economic welfare, both victims and non-victims perceived economic dependency and compadrazco system less strong; submissiveness, patience and endurance was less strong for victims; while tolerance was strong for non-victims; for the non-victims passiveness was rated strong. 4). Statistics showed that perceptions of victims and non-victims on the effects of domestic violence on Filipino values were significantly different for each set of values and the effects of the four values such as family security, society and authority, were not significantly different from each other.


Pelagio, Atanacio M. Jr. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City.

Keywords: Socio-Economic Impact of the Micro Lending Program

This study attempted to determine the socio-economic impact of BBDFI Micro Lending Program along; management competencies, technical skills and personal attributes of the sub-borrowers in Naga City and Camarines Sur, C/Y 2001. Specific problems were: 1) What are the services availed of the sub-borrowers: financial, technical and marketing linkages? 2) What is the perceived, socio-economic impact along; management competencies, technical skills and personal attributes? 3) Is there a significant difference in term of impact per area: technical skills, management competencies and personal attributes?

The descriptive-evaluate and comparative method was used in this study. Respondents totaled to 500 sub-borrowers: from trading/marketing, 430; manufacturing/processing, 30; Information technology, 40. these respondents were the 20% of the total sub-borrowers from Naga City and Camarines Sur, C/Y 2001.

Major findings of this study were: 1) Along financial, highest number of loan availed of was 35%; lowest, 3.68%; the most availed of was re-structuring 22.42%; least availed of was re-discounting term 3.68%; along technical, most availed of training/seminar, 30.78%; leas availed of was financial management, 13.06%; along linkages, DTI ranked first 77.94%; fund sourcing, MNPC ranked last, 18%. 20 Perceived socio-economic impact along management competencies, interpersonal, 4.03; finance, 3.52; and marketing, 3.45; along technical skills, product/service knowledge, 3.25; market development, 3.41; along personal attributes, 3.58; determination, 3.14; external focus,3.23; team leader, 3.46. 3) There were significant differences in terms of socio-economic impact along management competencies, technical skills and personal attributes.

Major conclusions were: 1) Along financial, majority of the sub-borrowers belonged to small business operation with a very low capitalization; sub-borrowers were trained most along technical skills, least trained on product innovations and applied technological advancement. Department of Trade and Industry was identified most in marketing of produced product/ services by the sub-borrowers. 2) Perceived socio-economic impact along interpersonal relationship was perceived most along management competencies; least perceived, product/ service knowledge; creativity and resourcefulness, was most perceived along personal attributes; least perceived, team leader factor. 3) The computed F-value of 52 was less than the tabular value for the variance among the parameter significant at 5% but not significant at 1% level, along technical skills. The computed F-value of 1.45 was less than tabular value at 5% and 1% not significant, along personal attributes.


PAULE, Sr. Maria D. , AMP Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2002.

Keywords: Mine Tailings Effect on Rice Growth & Yield

This study evaluated the effects of mine tailing on the growth and yield of Rice RC-28. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1) what are the physical and chemical properties of the soil with and without mine tailing? 2) What are the effects of mine tailings on the growth and yield of Rice RC- 28 along these levels of concentrations: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% mine tailings? 3) Is there a significant difference between the effects of the control and experimental set-up?

The experimental method was the main approach used in answering the questions raised in the study. Samples of soil with and without mine tailings were analyzed as their physical and chemical properties using four exposure levels of concentration of mine tailings. Rice RC-28 was grown in a time frame of three months and eighteen days to observe the growth and yield of Rice RC-28. The change in height for each growth stage was observed and recorded as well as grain yield.

Major conclusion were: 1) The rice grown in the soil without mine tailings had a higher productivity compared with the grown in the soil with mine tailings. 2) The chemical properties indicated the low PH of both soil with and without mine tailings but due to the higher percentage of organic matter and base saturation, the soil without mine tailings had more capacity to provide the necessary nutrients. 3) The effect of the varied levels of concentrations was clearly manifested by the decrease in height at different growth stages and in the decrease of the grain yield, as the level of concentration of mine tailings increased, its adverse effect intensified a the rice grew till it reached the harvesting stage; or, the higher the concentration of mine tailings, the slower was the growth of Rice RC-28 and the lower the yield. 4) Of the four levels of concentration of mine tailings had a very strong effect on the growth of Rice RC-28 from panicle initiation till harvesting stage; the 75% level of concentration of mine tailings had moderate effect during the panicle initiation and a strong effect from flowering till harvesting stage and a strong effect during the harvesting stage; and 25% level concentration of mine tailings had no significant effect in the early stages except in the harvesting stage.
grammar sa pagpapataas ng antas ng kasanayan ng mga mag-aaral.

Narito ang mga sumusunod na konklusyon: (1) Sa pangkat control at eksperimental, parehong katamtaman ang antas ng pagkatuto ng mga respondyente sa talasalitaan, pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari at komprehensyon. Gayundin sa pag-uugnay na kapwa na nasa mataas n antas. (2) ang apat na kasanayan ng pangkat eksperimental ay lahat nasa mataas na antas ng pagkatuto. (3) Walang makabuluhang pagkakaiba ang antas ng kasanayan bago simulan ang pag-aaral at may makabuluhang pagkakaiba sa antas ng kasanayan ng dalawang pangkat pakatapos ng pagtutoro ng story grammar.


PASIONA, Betty B. University of Nueva Caceres, Naga City

Keywords: Institutional thrust and performance

This study attempted to determine the relationship between the institutional thrust and teacher education performance in selected state universities and colleges in Region V, A/Y 2001-2002. The specific problems were: 1) what are the institutional thrust in these schools? 2) What is the performance of these schools along instruction, research, extension, and production? 3) Is there a relationship between institutional thrusts and teacher performance? 4) Are there institutional factors associated with teacher performance? 5) are there significant differences among the three types of SUCs in terms of institutional thrusts?

The descriptive-correlational and documentary method were used in this study with 7 deans, 167 faculty members and 695 students as respondents. The descriptive method was used to assess the institutional thrusts and performance of the teacher training institutions while the correlational technique was used to determine the relationship between the institutional thrusts and performance and the association of institutional factors with performance.

Major findings of this study were: 1) In the three types of SUCs, agricultural (A), comprehensive (B), and technology (C), instruction was top priority; production was last priority in A and C; while research was last priority in B. Along instruction, instructional methodology ranked first in A,B, and C; the lowest curriculum and program of study. Along research, the highest was priorities and relevance in A and C, funding/ resources in B, least perceived were incentives/ staff development in A and B, funding/ resources in C. Along extension, ranked first were priorities and relevance in A and C, incentives /staff development in B; lowest were funding/ resources in A and c, priorities and relevance in B. Along production, ranked first was incentives/staff development in A and C, funding/resources in B; ranked last was funding/ resources in A and C, priorities and relevance in B; 2) The average graduation rates in A, B, and C were 83.60%, 89.44%, and 89.67%, respectively and the average L.E.T. passing rates were 42.47%, 56.47, and 65.90%, respectively. 3) There was a significant relationship between institutional thrust and performance kin instruction, research and extension. 4) Managerial skills of the Dean was significantly associated with performance in instruction in terms of teachers' performance and L.E.T. passing rate and with extension; while instructional resources was not significantly differences in the institutional thrusts in the three types of SUCs as shown by F-value of 60.75 for the variance among SUCs and the F-value of 34.41 for the variance among the thrusts.

Major conclusions were: 1) Instruction was the most prioritized in the three types of SUCs, A,B, and C, least prioritized was curriculum; production was least prioritized in schools A and C and funding as the least provided; research, least prioritized in school B and incentives/ staff development as the least provided. 2) Teachers' performance, very satisfactory in schools A, B, C; graduation rates in A, B and C were lower than the national rate; however, L.E.T. passing rates were higher than the national passing rate; research performance was good in school C, poor in B, very poor in A whereas in school B extension was best, followed by schools a and by C. 3) Institutional thrusts determined the performance in instruction in terms of teachers' performance and L.E.T. passing rate, and in research and extension. 4) The following institutional factors had positive effects on performance: Dean's managerial skills in instruction and L.E.T. passing rate and in extension; while an instructional resource was found to have no bearing on performance. 5) In terms of the thrusts on instruction, research, extension, and production, the three types of SUCs, differed significantly. The thrust on instruction differed significantly from the thrust on research, extension and production; while the thrusts on the last three functions research, extension and production did not.


Pardo, Anna Marie E. Unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2001.

Keywords: Library Resources availment

This study aimed to determine the perceived extent of availment of the library resources in the Cam . Norte College , S/Y 2000-2001. It attempted to answer the following questions: 1)What are the library resources along library holdings and facilities? 2) What is the extent of availment of these resources? 3) Is there a significant difference in the extent of availment per college? 4) What factors were perceived to have affected the level of availment?

The study used the descriptive evaluative method, particularly through documentary analysis. The actual records of the CNC pertaining to its collection of books periodicals, audio-visual materials and physical facilities were used to provide data on the status of resources and availment. A questionnaire was used as the main tool in gathering data. Statistical treatment used were weighted mean, ANOVA, Two-way Analysis of Variance of test differences between departments and among the carious areas covered.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) Major general reference materials for generals use like publications, journals and books of general reference were those materials provided by the management to cater to the students needs. 2) Professionals books for general Education and other courses/programs needed by the students were provided to equip them with updated knowledge and information although books on literature and language were found limited compared with the rest of the collection. 3) Basic facilities like tables; chairs, shelves and cabinets were provided as well as physical facilities in the library to provide comfortable reading space for users as well s to store library materials and resources. 4) These were significant differences in the extent of availment among courses and among holdings to signify that some course had more availment than others and that some resources were more availed of than others.


PALO, ELIZABETH P. University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 144pp.

Keyword: Balik-Adal Program Beneficiaries Contributions

The study attempted to assess the effectiveness of the Balik-Adal Program of the Camarines Sur National High School for the last five years, starting School Year 1992- 93 to 1996-97. Specially the study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What levels of performance were attained by the Balik-Adal Program beneficiaries as revealed in the Philippine Educational Placement Test in the following subjects: English, Science, Filipino, and Mathematics?; 2) What are their perceived contributions to the community along economic, social, and political development?; 3) What socio-demographic factors are associated with the levels of performance and the perceived contributions?; and 4) Are the significant differences in the extent of perception between respondents and community residents and among contributions?

The respondents of study were 108 Balik-Adal recipients enrolled from school Tear 1992-1997 and 35 selected respondents in the community. The descriptive evaluative method was utilizes, with the questionnaire, documents and unstructured interview as the tools in data-gathering. The statistical tools employed were percentage technique, weighted mean, chi-square and two-way ANOVA.

The major conclusions derived were: 1. The respondents were average learners in English, Mathematics and Science; however, they performed above the level of the desired learning competency in Filipino; 2) These beneficiaries of the Balik- Adal Program had title contributions to the socio-economic and political development of the community; 3) Civil Status, occupation and family income were significantly associated with the performance level and contributions on political matters were determine by their level of education; 4) Significant differences were found among the perceived political contributions, although perceived differences between the community and the beneficiaries were found to be insignificant.


MORCILLA, Marivic L. Sotero Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres, Naga City, 2004.

Keywords: Problem Solving Strategy and Students Achievements

This study primary desired to determine the effects of Problem Solving Approach as a strategy in teaching Basic Mathematics to college students of Partido State University- Tinambac campus Tinambac, Camarines Sur, 1 st Semester, A/Y 2003-2004. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: (1) what is the achievement level of the students in the experimental and control groups based on the pretest results along computation, comprehension and analysis skills? (2) What is the achievement level of the students in both groups based on the post-test results along the same three skills? (3) is there a significant difference in the achievement level between the control and the experimental groups based on the pretest and post-test results?

This study utilized the quasi-experimental method involving two groups of students, the Control and Experimental groups as samples. A teacher-made test was used as the pre-test and post-test to determine the Mathematics achievement level of students along comprehension, computation and analysis skills. The topics covered in Basic Mathematics were rational numbers, discounts, interest, ratio and proportion.

Major conclusions of the study were: 91) Based on the pretest results, the three skills evaluated showed that the lowest scores were in analysis skills which revealed that the two groups encountered difficulties in analyzing worded problems. (2) The achievement levels of the two groups based on the post-test results improved, but the results of experimental group compared with the control group were much better along the three skills. (3) The pre-test results of both groups had a computed t-value of 0.045 which was less than the tabular t-values of 1.671 at 5% and 2.39 at 1% levels of significance which further showed that there was no significant difference between the pre-test results of both groups; however, The post-test results which had a computed t-value of 3.351 was greater than the tabular t-values which showed significant difference between the post-test results of the two groups; and mean gain as evidence showed that the experimental group performed better than the control groups with a computed t-value of 4.24.


Molina, Nolito “Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , 2002.

Keywords: Awareness on Life Insurance Benefits

This study was undertaken to determine the level of awareness on benefits of life insurance program, Naga City , C/Y 2003. 2001. It tried to answer the following Questions: 1) What are the benefits offered to policyholder by lide insurance program? 2) What is the policy holders level of awareness on the benefits along life protection and income continuity? 3) Is there a significant difference in the clientele's level of awareness between types and among barangays?

The descriptive-evaluative method was used in this study to determine the level of awareness of the policy holders on the benefits offered by the life insurance program to selected residents of the ten Naga City barangays who served as respondents of this study.

Findings of the study were: 1) Along life protection, benefits are medical expense fund, long term care fund and emergency fund; along income continuity, disability, retirement and death benefits. 2) Level of awareness on life protection benefits was 4.00 or much on provision of medical expense coverage; next, 3.98 or much on emergency fund, and last, 3.69 or much on long term care, with a grand mean of 3.89. Among barangays, the four near and four nearest the city proper were much and very much aware or 4.12 and 4.20 respectively of the insurance benefits; and, least aware were those farthest from the city with 3.35 and the grand weighted mean was 3.89. As for retirement benefits, level of awareness was 4.00; or much aware; next, death benefits with 3.87; also much aware and the last disability benefits, with 3.78; or least aware. In terms of location, the nearest barangay rank first, with 4.16; next, barangays near the city proper, with 3.95 and the least were the farthest barangay, with weighted mean of 3.55 3) Between life protection and income continuity, computed value of 1.64 was lower as against the tabular value of 2.35 at .05 level of significance. And among the three groups of barangays, the computed value of 32.89 was higher than the tabular value of 3.49.

Major conclusions: 1) Life protection benefits are provided to the policy holders to cushion the impact of accidents, illness and emergency and income continuity benefits were offered to the insured to provide income continuity benefits were offered to the insured to provide income replacement to the beneficiaries in times of his disability or death to cushion the impact of the loss of income. 2) level of awareness along life protection, highest on the provision of medical expense coverage, next emergency fund and lowest was long term care; and based on location of barangay nearest the commercial center topped in terms of awareness along life protection, next were those near barangay; and lowest were those farthest whereas along income continuity, awareness was highest on the clean up fund, next, retirement income and lowest or critical period was family dependency period income. And on the whole among the three group of barangays, nearest to city proper had the highest level of awareness; followed by the near and farthest barangays which were the lowest respectively. There was no significant difference in the level of awareness between life protection and income continuity which both rated much awareness between life protection and income continuity which both rated much awareness only; however there was a significant difference in the level of awareness among the three groups of barangays where were each group had a varying level of comprehension of the life protection and income continuity benefits.


MOLAVE , MA . LIZERNA D. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres, city of Naga, 1996.

Keywords: Financial Management, Program Efficiency

This study sought to look into the financial management services of the Country program for Children, Phase 1V in Camarines Sur C/Y 1994-1996. Specifically this study sought to financial resources of the Country Program for Children, Phase 1V? 2) How are these funds expended along these five services: health, nutrition, education, social mobilization and CEDC program? 3) What are the outcomes of financial management to the services?

The method used was the descriptive-evaluative type to achieve the purpose of this study which was to determine the financial management of resources services offered by the Country Program for children, Phase 1V and evaluate how funds were utilized per pilot area per service.

The following were the major conclusions: 1The release of funds made by the UNICEF and the Province of Camarines Sur were based on the budget for the different project activities; 2) The budget for the different CPC Phase 1V project activities was based on the actual condition of the pilot areas; 3) The release of funds made by the UNICEF and the Province of Camarines Sur were based on the budget for the different project activities; 4) The budget for the different CPC Phase 1V project activities was based on the actual condition of the pilot areas; 5) The outcomes were on the fields of health, nutrition and education.

Failures of the implementing agencies to fully implement the projects as scheduled were caused by two reasons: political and financial.

“BMC Dietetics Management Services and Patients' Wellness”

MARTINEZ , CHERYLL O. University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2003

Keywords: Dietetics Management and Patients' wellness

This study aimed to determine the relationship between dietetics management services and patients' wellness at Bicol Medical Center for C/Y 2003. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: (1) What are the dietetics management services provided by BMC along administrative \, therapeutic and research-educational dietetics? (2) To what extent is patients' wellness attended to along diagnosis, nutritional care and nutritional care and nutrition advocacy? (3) Is there a significant correlation between dietetics management services and patients' wellness?

Descriptive-correlational was the method used to determine the relationship between dietetics management services and patients' wellness at the Bicol Medical Center .

Major conclusions were: (1) Administrative dietetics services and therapeutic services were performed very satisfactory, while research educational dietetics was performed only satisfactorily as perceived by medical doctors, nutritionist-dietitians, nurses, account officers and the dietary staff of Bicol Medical Center, (2) Patients perceived that diagnosis and nutritional care contributed to only a moderate level of wellness among BMC patients (3) There was found a high level of correlation between administrative dietetics and patients wellness and a moderately high correlation between therapeutic and research-educational services.

Recommendations: (1) The administrative dietitian should create a ‘plantilla', while the therapeutic dietitian should design a multi-disciplinary program for the department just as the research – educational dietitian should conduct a regular dietary counseling for all patients upon admission. (2) Additional personnel should be hired to improve the working condition of the department and to highlight individual services given to patients to achieve patients' wellness. (3) Dietary personnel should be given more training on meal planning and administrative services; a through research should also be made to identify indicators for wellness.


Marco, Pamela P. University of Nueva Caceres , 2000.

Keywords: Enforcement Level

This study aimed to evaluate the enforcement level of budget operation in the provincial government of Camarines Sur for C/Y 2000. Specifically, it tried to answer the following question: 1) What is the enforcement level of budget operation along preparation, authorization, review, execution and accountability?; 2) Are there significant differences in the level of enforcement along the cited parameters?; 3) What perceived internal and external factors affected the enforcement of budget operation?

The descriptive-evaluative method was used in interpreting the data gathered from the employees involved in the preparation, authorization, review, execution and accountability of budgets in the provincial government of Camarines Sur. Described were the internal and external factors perceived to have affected the level of enforcement of budget operation and evaluated were the extent on the level of enforcement of budget operation along the five parameters.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) The level of enforcement of budget operation along preparation was mostly on cost estimation; along authorization, the operation focus mostly on preliminary review and evaluation; analysis of income and appropriation was highly observed along review; implementation of the 20% of the internal revenue allotment for development projects was given utmost importance in the execution, so with the preparation and submission of periodic reports along accountability. 2) Highly significant were preparation and review; review and execution and review and accountability as indicated by computed t-value which was greater than the tabular value at 5% and 1% levels while the other phases in budgeting, computed t-value was less than the tabular value at 5% and 1% levels thus, there were no significant differences. 3) Perceived internal factors: along organizational aspects, extent of enforcement was affected much by the Local Chief Executive's discretion and priority measures as well as by availability of funds; along behavioral aspects, utilization and custody of funds affected much the enforcement. As for external factors: political intervention, IRA allocation and sudden decrease/increase of IRA allocation affected the enforcement the most; state of the national economy was the lone economic factor perceived to have affected much the budget enforcement; along technology, the two factors perceived to have affected moderately the enforcement were: availability of government facilities and equipment and technological innovations; however, along geography, fortuitous events was perceived to have affected much budget enforcement.


MALALUAN, MARIBETH. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga
City , 2001.

Keywords: Social Services, Impact

This study aimed to determine the effects of the financial management on the delivery of local government social services in the province of Cam . Norte, CY 2001. Specifically, this study tried to answer the following questions: 1) What are the Local government services implemented along agriculture, health and social welfare services? 2) To what extent are financial management policies enforced in the implementation of these services? 3) What is the impact of these social services as perceived by the implementers an beneficiaries? 4) Are there significant differences in impact among these social services and between implementers and beneficiaries?

The descriptive-evaluative method was used to determine the effects of financial management to the delivery of social services in the province of Camarines Norte , CY 2001. There were 303 respondents involved in this study: 103 implementors 200 beneficiaries.

Major conclusions were : 1) Along agriculture, implementers perceived the most provision of pest control and the least perceived was enforcement of fishery laws; conversely, for beneficiaries the most perceived service was enforcement of fishery laws, and the least was agricultural extension; along health services, both implementors and beneficiaries most perceived service was primary health care, and the least perceived was medical services; along social welfare services, the implementors most perceived service was population development operation; the least perceived was relief operations; while the beneficiaries' topmost perceived service was programs and projects for the children and the least perceived was program for senior citizens; 2) The enforcement of budgeting policy such as allocation requirement for the 20% d3evelopment fund affected most the delivery of the services; while the least effect was observance of the LDC approval of projects charged to the 20% CDF; the enforcement of compliance of supporting documents in financial transactions accounted for the very extensive effect of the fund utilization for the basic services; however, control in terms of maintenance of records for each service was not extensively implemented. Along agriculture, the progress of farmers and fishermen's cooperative has accounted for the implementors' perceived strongest impact this did not improve much the farmers' economic condition; abundant supply of fishes was perceived strongest by farmers but the impact was moderate in terms of their economic condition. Along health services, control of communicable diseases was implementors' perception as the strongest was on health services. However, the indigents were accorded only moderate medical services; strongest impact was on communicable disease and weakest on the service to the patients. Along social welfare services, the implementers perceived as strongest saving lives and properties during calamities; and the weakest was on children's welfare; while the beneficiaries' perceived strongest was providing emotional security to senior citizens; while the weakest was child birth control. 4) significant differences were noted among services and between implementors and beneficiaries while no significant difference was noted at .01 level of significance. No significant differences existed among health services at 01 level of significance but there was a significant difference at .05 level of significance. No significant differences existed among the social services as perceived by the implementors and beneficiaries at .01 level of significance but there was a significant difference at .05 level of significance.


MABESA, ARLENE A. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2003.

Keywords: Pupils' Critical and Creative Thinking Skills development

The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the music curricular program and the Grade VI pupils thinking skills development, Milaor District, S/Y 2002-2003. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1) To what extent is the implementation of the music curricular program in these schools? 2) What is the level of pupils skills development along critical and creative thinking skills? 3) Is there a significant relationship between the music curricular program and the pupils' thinking skills development?

The descriptive correlation research method was used in this study. The respondents were 4 school heads, 4 music teachers and 201 Grade VI pupils from the 4 schools in Milaor District, Division of Camarines Sur, S/Y 2002-2003. Two sets of structured questionnaire were distributed to respondent school heads, music teachers and Grade VI pupils to gather data on the level of music curricular program implementaition. Paper and pencil as well as performance tests were used to assess further the pupils' critical and creative thinking skills development.

The major conclusions of this study were: 1) The concept of rhythm and tempo were both rated as very highly implemented along comprehension; however; both in terms of application was only highly implemented; 2) Only one school (School A) obtained an average level of development in this skill; the level of development for creative thinking skills for schools B and C was very good, except for one school (school D) where pupils were only good. 3) Program implementation together with close supervision of administrators will definitely enhance the development of pupils critical thinking skills; pupils creative thinking skills development can be improved if they are provided with enrichment appreciation exercised and exposure to music related activities and with a classroom environment conducive to learning.


LUPO, EVELYN E. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City ,

Keywords: Teachers' Aspirations and Competence Motivation

This study was undertaken to determine the professional aspiration of teachers in Pili District for the school year 1993-94. Problems raised were: (1) What are the professional aspiration of teachers along: instructional competence, supportive organizational elements, professional advancement, individual recognition, economic stability, and professional prestige? (2) How do the teachers' aspirations differ according to: age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, teaching experience and teaching position?

The descriptive comparative method was used to determine the professional aspirations of the teachers. The questionnaire was the primary tool in gathering the response of the teachers-respondents selected for this study. This study involved 26 barrio elementary schools and two central schools in Pili District for the school- year 1993-94. There were three groups of subject respondents: elementary grades teachers, Master Teachers 1 and Master teachers 11. Frequencies of responses were tallied, tabulated and the percentage mean values were computed to find out the item most teachers aspired for. One way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the difference in the aspirations of teachers.

Major conclusions of the study were: the topmost aspirations of the teachers were: (1) Mastery of the subject matter; friendly and helpful co-workers; advanced studies; approval and respect of fellow teachers; economic stability and become a board member of the district/teachers were: to conduct remedial classes; objective evaluation of reward; engage in educational research; engage in guidance and counseling and be invited as resource speaker. Major conclusions for no. 2 problems were: (1) The test of differences according to age, sex, and civil status along the six variables yielded values not significant at both 0.05 and 0.01. So these three variables did not influence or affect the different professional aspirations of the teachers. (2) The test of differences according to educational attainment, teaching experience and teaching position party influenced instructional competence and teaching position was statistically confirmed at both levels.


LOPEZ, Marivic S. Di-nalathalang Tesis, Universidad ng Nueva Caceres, Lungsod ng Naga .

Pangunahing Kaisipan: Pamahayagan sa Pagpapalaganap ng Katarungang Panlipunan

Inalam ng pag-aaral na ito ang kahalagaanhan ng pahayag bilang instrumento ng pang-unawa ng katarungang panlipunan. Sinagot ang mga tiyak na mga katanungan:

Anu- ano ang mga konseptong pangkatarungang pantao na nakapaloob samga pahayagan ayon sa mga sumusunod: pambata, pangkababaihan at pangmanggagawa? Anong dimensyong panlipunan ang tinalakay sa mga piling pahayagan sa pagpapahayag ng konseptong ito? Ano ang epekto ng mga pagpapahayag ng konseptong ito? Ano ang epekto ng mge pagpapahayag na ito sa lipunang bumabasa?

Batay sa kinalabasan, narito ang mga sumusunod na konklusyon: (1) Ang mga katarungang pambata ay mga karapatan para mabuhay, edukasyon, maayos an pamumuhay, tangkilik ng sariling pamilya at proteksyon laban sa pang-aaubso; sa katarungang pangkababaihan ay paghawak ng katungkulan, dangal at reputasyon, at proteksyong sekswal; sa katarungang pangmanggagawa ay maayos na paglilitis, tamang pasahod at pagtanggap ng benepisyo sa pinagtratrabahuhan. (2) ang mga binanggit na katarungan: pagpapahalaga sa karangalan, pantay- pantay na karapatan at pananagutan at katungkulang dapat gampanan. (3) Ang mga epekto ng mga pagpapahayag ay pagkagalit, pagtawag sa ahensyang kinauukulan at pagbibigay tulong at payo upang maisaaos at maitama ang mga paglabag ng mga katarungang pantao sa lipunan.


Listor, Ester T. Unpublished Masteral Thesis University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2004.

Keywords: Effectiveness of Library Services.

This study aimed to determine the level of effectiveness of library resources and services, Bicol College Library, Daraga, Albay, S/Y 2003-2004.Specifically it sought to answer the following questions: (1) What is the profile of Bicol College library resources in terms of its holding and personnel? (2) What is the level of effectiveness of its human resources and services as perceived by faculty and students along readers service, information dissemination service and technical service? (3) Is there a significant difference on the perceived quality of personnel and services between respondents and among areas?

The descriptive- evaluative method was used in this study to achieve the main purpose of determining the resources and services of Bicol College Library. There were 428 total sample of respondents composed of faculty and students. A questionnaire was used as a main tool in gathering the need data; weighted means and two-way analysis of variance were used to determine the significant differences on the perceived quality of personnel and services between respondents and among areas.

Major conclusions of this study were: (1) Bicol College Library profile in terms of holdings has a total of 12,661 volumes along areas of Generalities, Philosophy, Religion, Social Sciences, Language, Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Arts, Literature and Geography & History; has three qualified licensed librarians, three unlicensed librarians,and twenty student library assistants who serve as support staff to render service to its clientele. (2) Bicol College Library's level of effectiveness in terms of human resources was perceived as very good both by faculty and student; in terms of readers service, very good as perceived by students and faculty; information dissemination service, very good by both groups, and technical service, very good for both groups of respondents. (3) No significant differences existed on the perceived quality of personnel and services between respondents and among areas.


LAVADIA, EDNA SJ., Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University Of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 1994.

Keywords: College Faculty and their work life

This study determined the quality of work life among college faculty in six colleges in Naga City for the school year 1993-1994. Specific questions formulated were: 1) How do the college faculty meet their needs along existence, relatedness and growth? 2) What are the organizational opportunities provided by the school in terms of quality leadership, communications, fair reward, employee development and involvement? 3) Is there a relationship between Alderferl's theory and the organizational opportunities of the faculty with their work life?

The descriptive method was used and the primary date were gathered through the use of a questionnaire where data were treated using weighted mean and correlational coefficient or r. Research population included 169 selected college faculty in Naga City from six sectarian, non-sectarian and technical-vocational schools, s/y 1993 – 1994.

Findings and conclusions of the study were: 1) The college faculty perceived existence, relatedness and growth needs with moderate satisfactions. 2) The college faculty generally perceived the organizational opportunities to their work life with moderate satisfaction. 3) There was a very high positive correlation between Alderfer's theory and the conclusions drawn were: 1) The college faculty moderately met their needs along existence, relatedness and growth and were relatively satisfied with their present working conditions. 2) The various colleges were perceived as having a sound organizational climate and members moderately enjoyed working together with peers and administrators. 3) The organizational opportunities of the college faculty in relation to their work life were dependent on the nature of their existence, relatedness, and growth needs.


LASTROLLO, Marilou Z. Unpublished Masteral Theses, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2001.

Keywords: Computer-Assisted Instruction and Mathematical Achievement

This study was designed to determine the effects of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) on the achievement level of college students in trigonometry, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , Second Semester, S/Y 2000-2001. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What is the level of achievement of the experimental and control groups based on the pre-test results? 2) What is the level of achievement of both groups based on the post-test results? 3) Is there a significant difference between the achievement of the experimental and control groups based on the pre-test and post-test results?

This study used the quasi-experimental method using a total of 50 students as the student-respondents. A teacher-made test was used to determine the mathematical achievement of the students in three skills: computations, comprehension and analysis skills.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) The achievement of both the experimental and control groups in the pre-test was below average. 2) Post-test results on achievement level of the experimental group were outstanding; whereas for the control group, the achievement level was above average. 3) Based on the pre-test no significant difference was found between the experimental and control groups which showed the computed t-value was less than the tabular value; however, the post-test results showed a significant difference between experimental and control groups where the computed t-value was greater than the tabular value; furthermore, the computed t-value of the mean gain was greater than the tabular value.


LAMPOS, Felix Jr. B. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2003.

Keywords: Manipulatives and Mathematical Achievement

This study was designed to determine the effects of using manipulatives on the achievement level of freshmen high school students in Mathematics I, Southern Luzon Polytechnic College-Judge Guillermo Eleazar Campus, Tagkawayan, Quezon, S/Y 2001-2002. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What is the level of achievement of the Students in Mathematics as to comprehension, computation and analysis prior to the implementation of teaching strategies? And 3) Is there a significant difference between the traditional approach and the use of manipulatives?

This study used the quasi-experimental method using a total of fifty students as the student-respondents. A teacher-made test was used to determine the mathematical achievement of the students in three skills: comprehension, computation and analysis skills.

Major conclusions of the study were: 1) The achievement level of both the control and experimental groups in the pre-test was below average. 2) Post-test results on the achievement level of the control group was average; whereas for the experimental group, the achievement level was above average. 3) Based on the pre-test results, no significant difference was found between the control and experimental groups which was shown by the computed t-value less than the tabular value which implied that the two groups were of the same level of mathematical achievement; however, the post-test results showed significant difference between the control and experimental groups where the computed t-value was greater than the tabular value which revealed that the experimental group has higher level of mathematical achievement than the control group; furthermore, the computed t-value of the mean gain between the control group exposed to traditional approach and the experimental group exposed to the use of manipulatives was greater than the tabular value which revealed that there was a significant difference between the traditional approach and the use of manipulatives, the use of manipulatives being a more effective teaching strategy in Mathematics than the traditional approach.


Jusi, Arnel, F.Unpublished Masteral Theses, University of Nueva Caceres, City of Naga, 2001
Keywords: Bio- physical Impact of Mining

The study identified the bio-physical impact of ball clay mining in Del Gallego, Camarines Sur. Specifically it answered the following questions: (1) What are the dimension and characteristics of ball clay quarries? (2) What is the impact of ball clay mining along water and soil? (3) What factors are associated with the impact?

This study used the descriptive and comparative methods. Two types of data were compiled and generated: Secondary and primary data. The secondary data were composed of data coming from the different government and private offices. The primary data consisted of the actual dimension of the bal clay quarries, laboratory results f soil and water samples collected from pre-determined stations that were the selected during the pre-fieldwork phase. Base maps used were the 1:50,000 scale NAMRIA topographic map and available Land sat Images. Water parameters such as pH, temperature, TDS, TSS, TS, Conductivity, Resistivity and DO directly taken from the field utilizing the “SOLOMAT”. Soil and clay types were also determined taking two samples, ball clay and suspended solids, and analyzed for its clay content through X-Ray Defraction method. Vegetative cover verification was further conducted through the aid of available LandSat images. Vis a vis these activities, photo documentation was conducted.

The findings were: (1) An accumulated area of about 21,385 square meters (2.135 hectares) was disturbed by mining with an average quarry area of 1,000 square meters with an average dimension of 61.88 meters length, 30.55 meters width and depth of 3.33 meters. The extracted material (soil and ball clay) was mainly composed of the mineral Smectite and Cristobalite, a variety of Quartz some areas. (2.1) Impact on soil: removal of soil itself and existing flora, displacement / destruction of soil organism's niche and alteration of existing topography; removal of the soil's A – horizontal cuts off the subsurface flow of the water, lessened ground percolation, increased surface runoff and create sudden change in slopes, producing large pit holes and water ponding. (2.2) Impact on water: produced neutral to basic pH, high TDS at the upstream portion of Kilbay river and along Kilbay river; first order stream of Kilbay river had uniform temperature of 30 C and coole temperature at higher order streams than the order streams; increased DO at the lower portion of the river and uniform DO at other stream orders; conductivity range was 8.84 – 14.75 except along Katakian creek and adjacent new pit pond and low. (3.10 Associated environmental factors causing impact were: Rainfall triggered erosion produced high surface runoff and siltation rate; lesser vegetation and the number of stream order caused the dilution or concentration of water bodies. (3.2) Associated Organizational or policy factors causing impact were: poorly maintained and muddy barangay roads add more siltation problems; increased road networks increased quarry production; increased production increased the impact on the environment; other landuse, other than mining, may caused siltation and other impact.

Major conclusions were (1) A total volume of 70,520 cubic meters was quarried and approximately 12,150 cubic meters were accounted for where the difference in volume of 58,370 cubic meters were either uncounted or considered as waste. This unaccounted volume was also composed of Kaolinite with minor amount of Smectite and Cristobalite which is a potential source for siltation due to its fineness.(2.1) the high plasticity and less permeability of ball clay deposits resulted to less plant root penetration; increased surface runoff; created silted ponds (2.2) Ball clay quarries have partially affected the amount of Total Solids on the drainage system; produced slight siltation reaching the lower Kilbay river area; foliage caused variation in temperature; oxidized metallic consisting minerals/ elements in suspension produced high conductivity; high resistivity at lower Kilbay was due to influence of salt water intrusion. (3.1) The interplay of the different associated environmental factors (drainage, topography, vegetation, climate and the type and dimension of deposit) and the triggering mechanism for erosion (unimplemented rehabilitation activities, ore hauling activities and absence of proper mine plan) and poor road condition and related infrastructure contributed to the increase in quantity of suspended solids on the water environment. Environment ; earth moving activities (mining) and top soil alteration (agriculture) produced similar impact on the water environment.


JAUCIAN Sonia L. Unpublished Master's Thesis , University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2001.

Keywords: Local Government Service Delivery

This study was undertaken to determine the effects of budgetary allocation to delivery of local government services in Canaman Sur, for C/Y 1999. The study was guided by the following specific questions: 1) what is the budgetary allocation for basic and support services of Canaman, Camarines Sur? 2) What is the level of service delivery as perceived by the implementers and the beneficiaries? 3) Does quality of service delivery significantly differ between implementers and beneficiaries? 4) Is level of budgetary allocation associated with quality of service delivery?

This study used the descriptive-evaluative method of investigation to assess the effects of budgetary for basic services, such as: social and economic; and support services: legislation and administration, to service delivery. Per capita service expenditure, frequency count, weighted mean, ANOVA and Chi-Square were used in the analysis and interpretation of data.

The major conclusion in the study were: 1) Support services received higher allocation which constitutes both the budget for legislation and administration to supplement the delivery of basic services; the allocation of resource for basic services followed a system of prioritization, and the extent of appropriation depends on the scope of the services and the resources available in the local unit. 2) Both implementers and beneficiaries' perception in local services was satisfactory; economic service delivery was perceived by the implementers as satisfactory, while beneficiaries, fair; service delivery on legislation was perceived by implementers as very satisfactory, while beneficiaries satisfactory.

3) There was significant difference between the perception by implemtors and beneficiaries in social service delivery due to varied staffing, trainings, and availability of medicines for medical assistance, and no response or uninterested response to clients' requests; there was significant difference in perception by implementers and beneficiaries in economic services due to extent of support in maintenance of roads, technical assistance to farmers, types of water facility, agricultural input and seed capital for livelihood projects; there was significant difference in perception by implementers and beneficiaries in legislation services due to data available, citizens' varied reactions during public hearing and consultations, approval of development plan and annual budget, and partisan consideration in voting; there was significant difference in perception by implementers and beneficiaries in administration services due to employees' varied service orientations, office rules, technical skills, and office equipment. 40 There was no association between budgetary allocation and service delivery on health, social welfare, protective, infrastructure, agriculture, water supply, public market, legislation and administration and administration; there was association between budgetary allocation and service delivery on environmental protection.


IMIEN, FRANCIA M. Di-Nalathalang Masteral Tesis, Universuty of Nueva Caceres , Lunsod ng Naga, 2002.

Pangunahing Ideya: Story Grammar at Antas ng Kasanayan

Ang pag-aaral na ito ay naglayong magamit ang story grammar sa pagtuturo ng Filipino I upang malinang ang apat na kasanayan sa pagkatuto ng mga mag-aaral sa Sinuknipan High School, Del Gallego, Camarines Sur. May tatlong Katanungan na sinagot sa pag-aaral na ito (1) Ano ang antas sa pagkatuto ng mga mag-aaral sa paunang pagsubok batay sa mga sumusunod na kasanayan: tlasalitaan, pagkakasunod-sunod ng pangyayari, pag-uugnay at pagkuha ng pangunahing kaisipan o komprehensyon? (2) Ano ang antas sa pagkatuto sa mga kasanayang binanggit pagkatapos gamitin ang naturang istrtehiya? (3) Ano ang makabuluhang pagkakaiba sa antas ng mga kasanayan sa pagkatuto pagkatapos ng paggamit ng naturang istratehiya?

Batay sa ginawang pagsusuri sa pre-test, natuklasan ang mga sumusunod: (1) Sa pangkat control ang talasalitaan ay may 76%, pagkakasunod-sunod ng pangyayari 60%, komprehensyon 44% at pag-uugnay 88%. Sa pangkat eksperimental, ang talasalitaan ay 68%, pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari 96%, komprehensyon 52% at pag-uugnay 76%. Pagkatapos ng eksperimental na pag-aaral,natuklasan batay sa post-test, ang mga suusunod: (2) Sa pangkat control, ang talasalitaan ay 96%, pagkasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari 60%, komprehensyon48% at pag-uugnay 100%. (3) Sa makabuluhang pagkakaiba, batay sa pre-test ang computed value 1.835mababa sa tabular value na 2.01 sa 5% antas ng pagkakaiba at sa 2.682 sa 1% sa antas ng kaibahan. Batay sa post-test, ang computed value ay 4.265 na mataas sa tabular value na 2.01 at 2.682 sa 5% at 1% antas ng makabuluhang pagkakaiba. Ito ay nagpatunay sa kabisaan ng paggamit ng story grammar sa pagpapataas ng antas ng kasanayan ng mga mag-aaral.

Narito ang mga sumusunod na konklusyon: (1) Sa pangkat control at eksperimental, parehong katamtaman ang antas ng pagkatuto ng mga respondyente sa talasalitaan, pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari at komprehensyon. Gayundin sa pag-uugnay na kapwa na nasa mataas n antas. (2) ang apat na kasanayan ng pangkat eksperimental ay lahat nasa mataas na antas ng pagkatuto. (3) Walang makabuluhang pagkakaiba ang antas ng kasanayan bago simulan ang pag-aaral at may makabuluhang pagkakaiba sa antas ng kasanayan ng dalawang pangkat pakatapos ng pagtutoro ng story grammar.