JAUCIAN Sonia L. Unpublished Master's Thesis , University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2001.

Keywords: Local Government Service Delivery

This study was undertaken to determine the effects of budgetary allocation to delivery of local government services in Canaman Sur, for C/Y 1999. The study was guided by the following specific questions: 1) what is the budgetary allocation for basic and support services of Canaman, Camarines Sur? 2) What is the level of service delivery as perceived by the implementers and the beneficiaries? 3) Does quality of service delivery significantly differ between implementers and beneficiaries? 4) Is level of budgetary allocation associated with quality of service delivery?

This study used the descriptive-evaluative method of investigation to assess the effects of budgetary for basic services, such as: social and economic; and support services: legislation and administration, to service delivery. Per capita service expenditure, frequency count, weighted mean, ANOVA and Chi-Square were used in the analysis and interpretation of data.

The major conclusion in the study were: 1) Support services received higher allocation which constitutes both the budget for legislation and administration to supplement the delivery of basic services; the allocation of resource for basic services followed a system of prioritization, and the extent of appropriation depends on the scope of the services and the resources available in the local unit. 2) Both implementers and beneficiaries' perception in local services was satisfactory; economic service delivery was perceived by the implementers as satisfactory, while beneficiaries, fair; service delivery on legislation was perceived by implementers as very satisfactory, while beneficiaries satisfactory.

3) There was significant difference between the perception by implemtors and beneficiaries in social service delivery due to varied staffing, trainings, and availability of medicines for medical assistance, and no response or uninterested response to clients' requests; there was significant difference in perception by implementers and beneficiaries in economic services due to extent of support in maintenance of roads, technical assistance to farmers, types of water facility, agricultural input and seed capital for livelihood projects; there was significant difference in perception by implementers and beneficiaries in legislation services due to data available, citizens' varied reactions during public hearing and consultations, approval of development plan and annual budget, and partisan consideration in voting; there was significant difference in perception by implementers and beneficiaries in administration services due to employees' varied service orientations, office rules, technical skills, and office equipment. 40 There was no association between budgetary allocation and service delivery on health, social welfare, protective, infrastructure, agriculture, water supply, public market, legislation and administration and administration; there was association between budgetary allocation and service delivery on environmental protection.