SEÑAR, Gerumi S. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2003.

Keyword: Correlation of Instructional Supervision with Teacher/ Student Development

This study attempted to determine the impact of instructional supervision on teachers' performance and students' achievement in the secondary schools of Garchitorena, Camarines Sur, S/Y 2002-2003. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1) what are the perceived supervisory practices of secondary school heads along organization, classroom visitation, research, professional training and guidance and evaluation? 2) What is the level of teacher performance along instructional competence, professional and personal characteristics, punctually and attendance and plus based on the Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST? 3) what is the level of student achievement based on the division Achievement Test in English, Mathematics and science? 4) Are supervisory practices significantly correlated with the levels of teacher performance? 5) Is teacher performance significantly correlated with student achievement?

The descriptive- correlational method was used in this study covered five secondary school heads in Garchitorena district, thirty teachers and eighty fourth year students for S/Y 2002-2003. A questionnaire was designed as the main tool in gathering needed data and the results of teacher performance and Division Achievement Test were used. Pearson –r was used to determine the collection of instructional supervision on teacher performance and of teacher performance on student achievement.

Findings were: 1) School heads were outstanding on the five areas of supervisory practices; 2) Majority of the teachers had very satisfactory performance, but most of them had no plus factors. 3) The achievement level of students in English, Mathematics, and Science in all the five secondary schools was fair. 4) The test for instructional supervision with teaching performance yielded an r-value of 0.211 within the range of scale from 0.20 to 0.29 and their r2- value was 0.0445. 5) Correlation test between teacher performance and student achievement resulted to an r-value of – 0.0.035, while the r2- value was 0.0012.

Major conclusion of the study was: 1) School heads were perceived by their teachers to perform very well in the five aspects of the supervisory practices. 2) The teachers had an overall very satisfactory performance rating and performed beyond the target; however, majority did not have professional and technical skills other than their classroom or instructional skills. 3) The level of achievement of the high school seniors in English, Mathematics and science was fair. 4) There was a very low correlation between instructional supervision and teacher [performance. 5) there was a negative negligible correlation between teacher performance and student achievement.