ARCILLA, Salvador Jr. C. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City .

Keywords: Gestalt Approach as A Teaching Strategy

This study determined the effects of Gestalt Approach on the achievement level in Business Mathematics of selected first year students, College of Commerce , University of Nueva Caceres , S/Y 1999-2000. The specific problems raised were: (1) what is the achievement level of the control and experimental groups based on the pre-test results? (2) what is the achievement level of the control and experimental groups based on the post-test results? (3) Is there a significant difference between the achievement level of these groups based on pre and post-test results?

The method used in this study was the quasi-experimental method using two groups of learners, the experimental and the control groups and teacher made test as a main tool in gathering the data needed. Both groups of students were composed of heterogeneous grouping of below average, average and above average achievement levels.

Major conclusions of this study were: (1) Based on the pre-test results, the students in both the control and experimental groups were better in computation than in analysis skill and for the overall rating, majority of the students on both groups were low achievers followed by level of performance in Mathematics in the pre-test results. (2) based on the post-test results, the experimental and control groups improved their performance in both the computation and analysis skills. However, the experimental group compared with the control group was much better on both skills, particularly in analysis skill. (3) There was no significant difference between the mathematical achievement of the experimental and control groups on both computation and analysis skills at 1% and 5% levels of significant; however, in analysis skill there was found a significant difference between the two groups at 1% and 5% levels of significance.