Caceres , Teresita Unpublished Masteral Theses, University of Nueva Caceres , City of Naga , 2001.
Keywords: Impact of Micro-Entrepreneurial Activities
This study aimed to determine and evaluate the impact of self-employment Assistance Kaunlaran Program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development in the City of Naga , C/Y 2001. It tried to answer the following specific problems: 1) What are the micro-entrepreneurial projects put up by the beneficiaries?; 2) What is the building, social bonding/networking, income augmentation and technical assistance?; 3) What perceived factors affect the operation of these micro-entrepreneurial enterprises?
The descriptive-evaluative method was used in this study to determine the impact of the Self-Employment Assistance Kaunlaran Program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development to its beneficiaries.
Major Conclusions were: 1) More beneficiaries are inclined to entrepreneurial activities that are easy to manage and need small capitalization like vending 2) The impact was very strong along availability of capital, easy installment repayment scheme and interest free loan. Very strong impact was on the development of camaraderie, promotion of savings mobilization, and readiness of the association as credit conduit. Very strong impact was on the development of self-management of credit mechaaanism and enhancement of community organizing capability. Strong on emergency fund build-up and credit access to increased capitalization. Strong impact was onnn the strengthened entrepreneurial values and provision of technical skill of managing business. Strong on group formation of expanded capitalization. On income augmentation, the impact was strong on increased family income and employment generation. Strong along acquisition of skills related to business management, production, marketing and empowering members to conduct business, while moderately strong was on linkages or networking. 3) Very strong were institutional or environment factors and personal factors that affect the operation of the micro-entrepreneurial activities.