Listor, Ester T. Unpublished Masteral Thesis University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City , 2004.
Keywords: Effectiveness of Library Services.
This study aimed to determine the level of effectiveness of library resources and services, Bicol College Library, Daraga, Albay, S/Y 2003-2004.Specifically it sought to answer the following questions: (1) What is the profile of Bicol College library resources in terms of its holding and personnel? (2) What is the level of effectiveness of its human resources and services as perceived by faculty and students along readers service, information dissemination service and technical service? (3) Is there a significant difference on the perceived quality of personnel and services between respondents and among areas?
The descriptive- evaluative method was used in this study to achieve the main purpose of determining the resources and services of Bicol College Library. There were 428 total sample of respondents composed of faculty and students. A questionnaire was used as a main tool in gathering the need data; weighted means and two-way analysis of variance were used to determine the significant differences on the perceived quality of personnel and services between respondents and among areas.
Major conclusions of this study were: (1) Bicol College Library profile in terms of holdings has a total of 12,661 volumes along areas of Generalities, Philosophy, Religion, Social Sciences, Language, Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Arts, Literature and Geography & History; has three qualified licensed librarians, three unlicensed librarians,and twenty student library assistants who serve as support staff to render service to its clientele. (2) Bicol College Library's level of effectiveness in terms of human resources was perceived as very good both by faculty and student; in terms of readers service, very good as perceived by students and faculty; information dissemination service, very good by both groups, and technical service, very good for both groups of respondents. (3) No significant differences existed on the perceived quality of personnel and services between respondents and among areas.