MALALUAN, MARIBETH. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga
City , 2001.
Keywords: Social Services, Impact
This study aimed to determine the effects of the financial management on the delivery of local government social services in the province of Cam . Norte, CY 2001. Specifically, this study tried to answer the following questions: 1) What are the Local government services implemented along agriculture, health and social welfare services? 2) To what extent are financial management policies enforced in the implementation of these services? 3) What is the impact of these social services as perceived by the implementers an beneficiaries? 4) Are there significant differences in impact among these social services and between implementers and beneficiaries?
The descriptive-evaluative method was used to determine the effects of financial management to the delivery of social services in the province of Camarines Norte , CY 2001. There were 303 respondents involved in this study: 103 implementors 200 beneficiaries.
Major conclusions were : 1) Along agriculture, implementers perceived the most provision of pest control and the least perceived was enforcement of fishery laws; conversely, for beneficiaries the most perceived service was enforcement of fishery laws, and the least was agricultural extension; along health services, both implementors and beneficiaries most perceived service was primary health care, and the least perceived was medical services; along social welfare services, the implementors most perceived service was population development operation; the least perceived was relief operations; while the beneficiaries' topmost perceived service was programs and projects for the children and the least perceived was program for senior citizens; 2) The enforcement of budgeting policy such as allocation requirement for the 20% d3evelopment fund affected most the delivery of the services; while the least effect was observance of the LDC approval of projects charged to the 20% CDF; the enforcement of compliance of supporting documents in financial transactions accounted for the very extensive effect of the fund utilization for the basic services; however, control in terms of maintenance of records for each service was not extensively implemented. Along agriculture, the progress of farmers and fishermen's cooperative has accounted for the implementors' perceived strongest impact this did not improve much the farmers' economic condition; abundant supply of fishes was perceived strongest by farmers but the impact was moderate in terms of their economic condition. Along health services, control of communicable diseases was implementors' perception as the strongest was on health services. However, the indigents were accorded only moderate medical services; strongest impact was on communicable disease and weakest on the service to the patients. Along social welfare services, the implementers perceived as strongest saving lives and properties during calamities; and the weakest was on children's welfare; while the beneficiaries' perceived strongest was providing emotional security to senior citizens; while the weakest was child birth control. 4) significant differences were noted among services and between implementors and beneficiaries while no significant difference was noted at .01 level of significance. No significant differences existed among health services at 01 level of significance but there was a significant difference at .05 level of significance. No significant differences existed among the social services as perceived by the implementors and beneficiaries at .01 level of significance but there was a significant difference at .05 level of significance.