LUPO, EVELYN E. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, University of Nueva Caceres , Naga City ,
Keywords: Teachers' Aspirations and Competence Motivation
This study was undertaken to determine the professional aspiration of teachers in Pili District for the school year 1993-94. Problems raised were: (1) What are the professional aspiration of teachers along: instructional competence, supportive organizational elements, professional advancement, individual recognition, economic stability, and professional prestige? (2) How do the teachers' aspirations differ according to: age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, teaching experience and teaching position?
The descriptive comparative method was used to determine the professional aspirations of the teachers. The questionnaire was the primary tool in gathering the response of the teachers-respondents selected for this study. This study involved 26 barrio elementary schools and two central schools in Pili District for the school- year 1993-94. There were three groups of subject respondents: elementary grades teachers, Master Teachers 1 and Master teachers 11. Frequencies of responses were tallied, tabulated and the percentage mean values were computed to find out the item most teachers aspired for. One way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the difference in the aspirations of teachers.
Major conclusions of the study were: the topmost aspirations of the teachers were: (1) Mastery of the subject matter; friendly and helpful co-workers; advanced studies; approval and respect of fellow teachers; economic stability and become a board member of the district/teachers were: to conduct remedial classes; objective evaluation of reward; engage in educational research; engage in guidance and counseling and be invited as resource speaker. Major conclusions for no. 2 problems were: (1) The test of differences according to age, sex, and civil status along the six variables yielded values not significant at both 0.05 and 0.01. So these three variables did not influence or affect the different professional aspirations of the teachers. (2) The test of differences according to educational attainment, teaching experience and teaching position party influenced instructional competence and teaching position was statistically confirmed at both levels.